SOFO Grano

Sedežne garniture - SOFO Grano
Sedežne garniture - SOFO Grano
Sedežne garniture - SOFO Grano
Sedežne garniture - SOFO Grano
Sedežne garniture - SOFO Grano
Sedežne garniture - SOFO Grano
Sedežne garniture - SOFO Grano
Sedežne garniture - SOFO Grano

With a detailed exterior and a soft and welcoming profile, SOFO GRANO is a designed for total relaxation. The floor-level design and softness of the padding ensure a high level of seating comfort. This model is characterized by its wide armrests and the low backrests, that give SOFO GRANO an inviting expression. The integrated lift mechanism raises the backrest gradually to become an individually adjustable headrest. By doing so, the sofa height increases from 78 cm to 102 cm.


Trademark: SOFO
Model: GRANO


With a detailed exterior and a soft and welcoming profile, SOFO GRANO is a designed for total relaxation. The floor-level design and softness of the padding ensure a high level of seating comfort. This model is characterized by its wide armrests and the low backrests, that give SOFO GRANO an inviting expression. The integrated lift mechanism raises the backrest gradually to become an individually adjustable headrest. By doing so, the sofa height increases from 78 cm to 102 cm.

SOFO GRANO evokes a soft, cozy sitting with an extra-wide layer of fleece, covering the seat padding. All elements are available in fabrics or leather, in a range of five dimensions (XS, S, M, L, XL), including a longchair element which offers a wide lying surface.

Special decorative stitch on the backrest of this model underlines the know-how of SOFO. Whoever likes to lift their legs in front of them, can use the possibility of manually or electrically enlarging the depth of single seat area. The standard depth measures 56 cm. With easily pull, an individual seat depth enlarges gradually for 5 cm, 20 cm or 42 cm. Elements with such function are labeled with F sign. To enable even more comfort, it is possible smoothly and continuously enlarging the depth of 2-seat-elements for 42 cm with a motor, controlled by touching the sensor in the buttons on the upholstery covering. Elements with such function are labeled with FE sign.

SOFO GRANO is also perfectly prepared for all eventualities – a midday nap on the sofa, watching TV with your family, reading a newspaper, or listening to music. SOFO GRANO offers a high-quality television recliner function, integrated into the seat to set it at the perfect position. With the motor, which is controlled by touching the sensors in the buttons on the upholstery covering, back and footrest move at the same time. This way, you reach a perfect, relaxed reclining position. The sofa with this function fully enclosed around the exterior of the frame, therefore all the motion happens internally. This allows you to place the sofa almost directly against the wall – ZERO WALL function.


Manually adjustable seat depth and headrest

Sedežne garniture - SOFO Grano

Electric mechanism with the touch-control to adjust seat depth gradually

Sedežne garniture - SOFO Grano

Electric recliner function, two motors, ZERO WALL with the touch-control to set it at the perfect position

Sedežne garniture - SOFO Grano

1. Frame: particle board with solid wood frames
2. Seat cushion stuffing: EHR: elastic belts and PHR (middle hard upholstered) elastic PUR foam, the density of 45 kg/ m3 with diolen layer.
3. Backrest stuffing: sandwich combination of different elastic foams supported by the net of elastic bands.
4. Manual adjustable seat depth: seat depth can be 5 cm, 22 cm or 42 cm enlarged
4a. Electric recliner function: two motors, ZERO WALL with the touch-control
5. Feet: Metal or wooden feet
6. Manual adjustable headrest: The upper part of the backrest can be reclined individually
6a. Electric adjustable seat depth: with the touch-control to adjust seat depth gradually up to 42 cm

seat upholstery:

Sedežne garniture - SOFO Grano


1) Headrest in each back – calculated in price:
The integrated lift mechanism raises the backrest gradually to become an individually adjustable headrest. By doing so, the sofa height increases from 78 cm to 102 cm. The special quality of mechanism is the function that during the incrase of the back rest, reference material strecht simultaneously, so that the resulting wrinkling is reduced to a minimum – function calculated in price.

Sedežne garniture - SOFO Grano

2) Function for two-seater elements: extend the seat depth and thus increase it
a) manual (F): move each seat separately
The standard depth measures 56 cm. With easly pull, manually, an individual seat depth enlarges gradually for 5 cm, 20 cm or 42 cm. Element with such funktion are labelled with F sign – function calculated in price.

Sedežne garniture - SOFO Grano

b) electric (FE): move both seats at the same time
it is possible to smoothly and continuously enlarge the depth of 2-seat-elements for 42 cm with a motor, controlled by touching the sensor in the buttons on the upholstery covering. Elements with such function are labelled with FE sign. – function calculated in price

Sedežne garniture - SOFO Grano

3) Electric recliner function:
TV armchair function with electric motor, ZERO WALL, back and footrest can be adjusted together The elements that include such functions are marked with R sign. Function calculated in price.

Sedežne garniture - SOFO Grano


calculated in price.
The foot design must be specified.
The price is independent of the selected foot variant.

1) Metal feet (seat height 41 cm, overall height 78/102 cm)
Metal feet are just in chrome variant possible.

Foot 1-3
H=40 mm

Sedežne garniture - SOFO Grano

2) Wooden feet (seat height 41 cm, overall height 78/102 cm)
The wooden feet are optionally available in different colors, see wood color card (please indicate the color number when ordering).

Foot 1-31
H=40 mm

Sedežne garniture - SOFO Grano

wood color card

Sedežne garniture - SOFO Grano

Please note:

For the production of a model including two different materials of one price group we will charge an extra charge of 10%. Please contact us for amount of the extra charge, when two materials of diffenrent price groups are included. It is common practice, that the cutting outs and stitching structures of leather suites differ from fabric suites. The sketches of elements in the price lists serve only as illustrations. Special modifications of models on request. Technical changes with reservation.

  Sedežne garniture - SOFO Grano

Sedežne garniture - SOFO Grano

Sedežne garniture - SOFO Grano

Sedežne garniture - SOFO Grano

Sedežne garniture - SOFO Grano

Sedežne garniture - SOFO Grano

Sedežne garniture - SOFO Grano

Znamka: SOFO
Model: GRANO

Z dodelanim zunanjim izgledom ter mehkim oblazinjenjem je SOFO GRANO zasnovan za popolno sprostitev. Model, ki sega do tal ter mehkoba oblazinjenja zagotavljata visoko raven udobja sedenja. Za ta model so značilni široki nasloni za roke in nizka naslonjala, ki dajejo SOFO GRANO vabljiv videz. Integrirani dvižni mehanizem v hrbtnem naslonu omogoča postopen dvig vzglavnika. S tem se višina sedežne garniture poveča iz 78 cm na 102 cm.

SOFO GRANO pričara mehko, udobno sedenje s široko plastjo flisa, ki prekriva sedež. Vsi elementi so na voljo v tkanini ali usnju v petih dimenzijah (XS, S, M, L, XL), vključno z elementom “Longchair”, ki nudi široko ležalno površino.

S svojimi neštetimi kombinacijami, dvosedi in dodatnimi elementi ta model izpolnjuje vse zahteve po udobju. Poseben okrasni šiv na naslonjalu tega modela poudarja brezčasno eleganco SOFO sedežnih garnitur. SOFO GRANO nudi tudi možnost ročnega ali električnega povečanja globine sedalne površine. Standardna globina meri 56 cm. Z enostavnim potegom se posamezna globina sedeža postopoma poveča za 5 cm, 20 cm ali 42 cm. Elementi s takšno funkcijo so označeni z znakom F. Da bi omogočili še več udobja, je mogoče povečati globino 2-sedežnih elementov za 42 cm z motorjem, ki se krmili z dotikom senzorja v gumbih na prevleki oblazinjenja. Elementi s takšno funkcijo so označeni z oznako FE.

SOFO GRANO je odlično pripravljen na vse priložnosti – opoldanski spanec na kavču, gledanje televizije z družino, branje časopisa ali poslušanje glasbe. SOFO GRANO ponuja visokokakovostno funkcijo počivalnika, integrirano v sedež, ki ga nastavite v popoln položaj. Z motorjem, ki ga upravljate z dotikom senzorjev v gumbih na prevleki oblazinjenja, se hrbet in naslon za noge premikata hkrati. Tako dosežete popoln, sproščujoč ležeč položaj. Element s to funkcijo je popolnoma zaprt okoli zunanjosti okvirja, zato se vse gibanje dogaja znotraj. To vam omogoča, da sedežno garnituro postavite skoraj neposredno ob steno – funkcija ZERO WALL.


ročno nastavljiva globina sedeža in mehanizem za vzglavnik

Sedežne garniture - SOFO Grano

mehanizem z električnim motorjem za povečanje globine sedeža

Sedežne garniture - SOFO Grano

električna funkcija počivalnika z dvema elektromotorjema, krmiljena z mehanizmom Soft Touch

Sedežne garniture - SOFO Grano

1. Okvir: iverica z okvirji iz masivnega lesa
2. Oblazinjenje sedeža:: EHR: mreža elastičnih trakov + poliuretanska pena gostote 45 kg / m2
3. Polnjenje hrbtnega naslona: mreža elastičnih trakov in plasti poliuretanske pene različnih gostot
4. Nastavljiva globina sedeža: ročna – povečanje globine posameznega sedeža – za 5 cm, 22 cm ali 41 cm
4a. Električna funkcija počivalnika: dva elektromotorja, ZERO WALL s krmiljenjem Soft Touch
5. Možnost nog: kovinske ali lesene
6. Ročno nastavljiv vzglavnik: integriran dvižni mehanizem
6a. Električna funkcija: povečanje globine sedeža pri dvosedih – obe sedišči hkrati

Oblazinjenje sedeža:

Sedežne garniture - SOFO Grano


1) Naslon za glavo v vsakem hrbtišču – vračunano v ceno:
Integrirani dvižni mehanizem postopno dvigne naslonjalo za hrbet, da postane individualno nastavljiv vzglavnik. S tem se višina sedežne garniture poveča iz 78 cm na 102 cm. Posebna kvaliteta mehanizma je funkcija, da se med dvigovanjem hrbtnega naslonjala hkrati raztegne referenčni material, tako da je posledično gubanje zmanjšano na minimum – funkcija vračunana v ceno.

Sedežne garniture - SOFO Grano

2) Funkcija za dvosede: podaljša globino sedišča in jo tako poveča
a) ročna (F): premakne se vsak sedež posebej
Standardna globina meri 56 cm. Z enostavnim ročnim potegom se posamezna globina sedeža postopoma poveča za 5 cm, 20 cm ali 42 cm. Element s tako funkcijo je označen z znakom F – funkcija vračunana v ceno.

Sedežne garniture - SOFO Grano

b) električna (FE): premikanje obeh sedežev hkrati
možno je gladko in zvezno povečati globino 2-sedežnih elementov za 42 cm z pomočjo motorja, ki se krmili z dotikom senzorja v gumbih na prevleki oblazinjenja. Elementi s takšno funkcijo so označeni z oznako FE. – funkcija vračunana v ceno.

Sedežne garniture - SOFO Grano

3) Funkcija električnega počivalnika:
Funkcija počivalnika z elektromotorjem, ZERO WALL, hrbet in oporo za noge se nastavlja hkrati Elementi, ki vključujejo tovrstne funkcije, so označeni z znakom R. Funkcija vračunana v ceno.

Sedežne garniture - SOFO Grano


Vračunano v ceno.
Določiti je treba obliko nogic.
Cena je neodvisna od izbrane variante nogic.

1) Kovinske noge (višina sedeža 41 cm, skupna višina 78/102 cm)
Kovinske noge so možne samo v kromirani izvedbi.

noga 1-3
H=40 mm
kovina – krom

Sedežne garniture - SOFO Grano

2) Lesene noge (višina sedeža 41 cm, skupna višina 78/102 cm)
Lesene noge so po želji na voljo v različnih barvah, glejte barvno kartico lesa (pri naročilu navedite številko barve).

noga 1-31
H=40 mm

Sedežne garniture - SOFO Grano

barve lesenih nog

Sedežne garniture - SOFO Grano

Prosimo, upoštevajte:

Za izdelavo modela v dveh različnih materialih iste cenovne skupine se zaračuna doplačilo 10%. Kontaktirajte nas glede višine doplačila, kadar uporabljate dva materiala različnih cenovnih skupin. Običajna praksa je, da se krojenje in šivanje iz usnjenih materijalov razlikujeta od krojenja in šivanja iz tkanin. Tehnične risbe postavk v cenikih so namenjene samo za ilustracijo. Posebne spremembe modelov na zahtevo.

  Sedežne garniture - SOFO Grano

Sedežne garniture - SOFO Grano

Sedežne garniture - SOFO Grano

Sedežne garniture - SOFO Grano

Sedežne garniture - SOFO Grano

Sedežne garniture - SOFO Grano

Sedežne garniture - SOFO Grano